You are right Mr. Schick this year has been crazy. I really liked I though, I had a friend group at my old school that I hang out with right now because we are home. But I branched out and made new friends during the school year and I enjoy them a lot. With Covid-19 I had a screwed up sleep schedule in the beginning. I thought it was like summer and I quickly came to realize that it was not the right move. I quickly fixed my sleep schedule. I also was playing video games everyday and now I am working out everyday and have gained 8 pounds of hopefully muscle. I also bike a lot of places and I have learned the neighborhoods around me and all the cut-throughs. Most days be bike around 20 miles and play basketball. I like waking up early and getting the day done with so I have the rest of the day open. I also do a lot of my math and Bible homework the night before. I enjoy being home but I kind of missed school. miss seeing everyone everyday. I miss wrestling season. I miss baseball. ...